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Therapy options

The Benjamin Kramer dental practice offers you a wide range of dental and medical services with a focus on tooth preservation, aesthetic dentistry, periodontology and implantology. Whether dental implants, high-precision dentures from the regional dental laboratory, tooth-preserving measures or a treatment concept tailored to your needs will be discussed with you in detail in advance. Our goal is to answer your questions about dentistry. Just contact us!

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Impression-free – digital 3D scans

itero element 2 slideIn order to be able to fabricate a dental prosthesis with a perfect fit, it was previously necessary to take an impression of the jaw using an impression tray and an impression material. However, this procedure has its disadvantages: The material tastes unpleasant and often causes retching. The solution is a digital impression without impression trays using an intraoral scanner. You can find additional information here in the video.

Orthodontics with system for children and adults

Modern orthodontics includes all measures that are currently recognized worldwide as the best possible treatment methods.

This is referred to as “evidence-based medicine.” Both long-established methods and the latest developments are taken into account, and their scope and area of application are constantly updated.

3d planung brackets

Orthodontic treatment is planned with the help of a 3D scan of the teeth. State-of-the-art computer-aided planning can be used to select the most effective method for fixed systems (brackets, Plättli braces) or removable appliances. This planning is transferred to the mouth with the help of a 3D-printed template.

The most effective and best possible method will be explained individually for you or your child.

Fixed braces: brackets or plate braces

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Loose braces

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Invisaglin – the invisible braces

invisalign 1 Are you unhappy with the position of your teeth? We scan your tooth position (without impression!) and advise you on the basis of your 3D model for a tooth position correction. The splint or aligner I use is almost invisible. It can be easily and simply taken out by you for eating. The splint is manufactured by the company Invisalign. It is the result of years of research and is based on the findings of over 7 million patients. See what your new smile could be like with Invisalign here.


Thanks to special training from the Academy of Science and the German Society of Periodontology, I am able to preserve and in many cases improve your gums and bone tissue damaged by periodontal disease (periodontitis).

X-ray, OPT, DVT, FRS – all digitized

We work with modern, low-radiation and image-accurate devices that enable, among other things, a 3D representation of your hard and soft tissue situation.

3D implantation planning with navigation

Only the ideally planned implant position offers you the security of loading the implants correctly, a perfect3d navigation impl prosthetic planning and reduces the risk of implant loss.
Conventional (two-dimensional) X-ray diagnostics are not sufficient to determine the ideal implant position. This 3D planning offers you more safety andthe advantages : A more precise assessment and therefore more comprehensive protection of sensitive areas of the jaw (e.g. nerve tracts) is possible. A possibly necessary bone augmentation can be avoided under certain circumstances, since the existing bone is better utilized. The appearance and exact alignment of the dental prosthesis (e.g. a crown) can often be determined before the procedure – this approach is based on the desired result and has advantages for dental aesthetics. Navigated implantation In addition, an implantation template can be produced in our in-house dental laboratory using our 3D printer on the basis of the 3D planning. It serves as a guide for the drill during the subsequent insertion of the implants into the jaw and precisely defines the exact position of the implants for the procedure. This is why we speak of “navigated implantation”. The advantages of navigation: implantation is further simplified and the overall treatment time is shortened. The procedure can usually be performed in a way that is gentler on the tissue and more comfortable and safer for patients. Among other things, because few or no gum incisions are necessary. How does it work? A 3D image of your jaw is created with the help of our CT/DVT. An intraoral 3D scan of your teeth and gums will also be taken. This data is compiled in order to plan the implantation in advance on a computer screen – including the exact position and size of the implants.

3D bone augmentation3daugm

Do you have too little bone to place an implant? We have the ability to transplant bone from another location and place the bone where it is desperately needed. This allows us to offer you an aesthetically and functionally fixed / removable denture. In addition, we can “grow” new bone in many areas using the most modern techniques.

Anaesthesia / Sedation outpatient in the practice

We attach particular importance to gentle, painless and anxiety-free treatments. Depending on the requirements, we perform a local anesthetic. 21 ePM 10 left side Sedation and general anesthesia are also suitable for patients who are afraid of treatment and enable you to have a pain-free and stress-free treatment. During sedation, your vital signs will be monitored by EKG (heart), capnography (breathing), pulse oximetry (oxygen saturation in the blood) and blood pressure. We have state-of-the-art medical equipment for monitoring.   As this sedation is carried out in our practice on an outpatient basis with the monitoring described above, this reduces the costs for you. Of course, a detailed consultation with comprehensive information will take place beforehand. We will clarify with you which form of anaesthesia is suitable for you or the planned treatment. To ensure maximum patient safety, the practice has an uninterruptible power supply that is switched on in the event of a power failure.

Other services:

  • Power Bleaching – Professional teeth whitening by Philips ZOOM
  • Veneers, all-ceramic crowns and bridges – for perfect aesthetics
  • Tooth gum treatment (also called periodontal or periodontitis treatment).
  • Dentures (complete dentures, model casting, clasp dentures, telescopic dentures).
  • tooth jewellery (e.g. diamond, grillz)


The in-house 3D 4K printer is used for printing the implant templates and models. The plastic used is 100% biodegradable and compostable.modells 4k e1630247461305 To ensure that we can guarantee you the highest quality and service at all times, we work together with the local company Dental-Technik AG Bracher in Burgdorf. The innovative and modern dental laboratory achieves perfect results, thanks to many years of experience and the latest technology.

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The billing of services in our practice is based on the revised tariff system of the Swiss Dental Association SSO. More details

Private patients Tax point value 1.10 (DENTOTAR)

Welfare, supplementary benefits, accident & health insurance law Tax point value 3.10 / 1.00 (DENTOTAR)

Adolescents up to the age of 17 Tax point value 1.00 (DENTOTAR)


We attach great importance to a precise explanation of the procedure and the costs. If desired, we will provide you with one or more cost estimates and also discuss these with you.

Interest-free payment plans

On request, we also offer you the option of paying the invoice in installments.

Payment options

We offer the following options for the payment of the invoice:

To reduce the administrative effort, you benefit from a 3% discount on our services if you pay the invoice immediately after treatment.

We accept for payment of the invoice:

  • Cash payment
  • vPay
  • Credit cards (VISA, Mastercard)

Cash payment


Card payment



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